Thursday, May 21, 2020

Political Legitimacy As Viewed By Thomas Hobbes Vs. Malcolm X

Political Legitimacy as viewed by Thomas Hobbes vs Malcolm X In â€Å"Leviathan,† Thomas Hobbes believes that citizens choose to obey a sovereign leader in return for security and protection to from violence, chaos and bloodshed that is mankind’s â€Å"state of nature.† In a Commonwealth, the body of people agree to submit to a sovereign head of state to rule with absolute power, for the common good of survival and protection, be it given willingly by compact, or by force through acquisition, as outlined in Chapter XVII. Once sovereignty is in place, citizens are obligated to obey. Political legitimacy is the acceptance of authority and faith in an institution, monarchy or an assembly that was chosen by the Commonwealth for protection from their innate selfishness and evil tendencies. Whereas political legitimacy is nonexistent in the state of nature, it is used in a social contract to ensure self-preservation. On the other hand, in his speech â€Å"Ballot or the Bullet,† Malcolm X challenged the political legitimacy of the government government in America, where authority is granted by citizens through democracy. He criticized the hypocrisy of America treatment of blacks as â€Å"second class citizens† equating the treatment to â€Å"20th century slavery.† In spite of the proclamation that all men are created equal as written in the Declaration of Independence from the British monarchy, almost a century after Hobbes’ death, guarantees of civil rights and liberties as outlined in our ConstitutionShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesEmotions from Faces? 124 S A L S A L 5 Personality and Values 131 Personality 133 What Is Personality? 133 †¢ The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 135 †¢ The Big Five Personality Model 136 †¢ Other Personality Traits Relevant to OB 139 x CONTENTS Values 144 The Importance of Values 144 †¢ Terminal versus Instrumental Values 144 †¢ Generational Values 145 Linking an Individual’s Personality and Values to the Workplace 148 Person–Job Fit 148 †¢ Person–Organization Fit 150 International

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Stricter Laws on Gun Holding Permits - 780 Words

In the FBI’s annual statistical report the city of Chicago had 500 homicides in 2012. According to Geier (2012) â€Å"435 of them were committed with guns† (para. 2). These statistics goes under the radar because authorities and the national media deem these murders gang related. Unfortunately, it takes a mass shooting at a movie theater in Colorado; Along with a shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut, that killed almost a whole kindergarten class to bring light to the situation. Furthermore, there have been several other shootings and a trend that will continue to happen if serious measures are not taken. In the late 80’s and early 90’s the influx of drugs and violent crimes in certain areas of the country forced to create the Violent Crime Control and law Enforcement Act of 1994. One of the laws in the act was the restriction of certain â€Å"assault weapons with specific combat features, copy cat models and high capacity ammunition maga zines† a part of the law that has since expired (Department of Justice Fact sheet, 1994 para 2). Although this law might have felt like an inadequate solution to some, it was still a response to an overwhelming crisis. Theirs ways to confront this situation without completely infringing on an individuals second amendment rights. Strengthening laws that we already have implemented in the mental health community, and imposing stricter laws holding gun safety violators accountable can be an acceptable solution to an already difficultShow MoreRelatedThe Assault At Lone Star Community College1680 Words   |  7 Pages He was accused of shooting two people before wounding himself in the leg. Even though it came to be known in the course of the investigation that it was really not Carlton Berry who was involved, but Trey Foster, the question arises as to whether guns should be allowed in colleges. This lone incidence that happened at Lone Star Community College reflects the April 16th, the year 2007 where there was a shooting on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute along with State University. In this incidenceRead MoreGun Violence in America Research Paper1010 Words   |  5 PagesGun Violence in The United States INTRODUCTION Since 1982, at least sixty-two mass shootings have occurred, thirty-two of them since 2006. (Aronsen). Jared Loughner was sentenced to life in prison after shooting nineteen people in January of 2011. Last July, fifty-eight people were shot and twelve killed while watching the new Batman movie in a theater in Colorado. In December, twenty-six people were murdered, including twenty first-graders, in a Connecticut elementary school (Follman). 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On one side, there is the National Rifle Association (NRA) and 2nd Amendment-citing citizens who use their firearms for hunting and self-defense. On the other, there is Handgun Control Inc. (HCI) and followers of the Brady Cam paign who want to ban guns on the basis that they are dangerous. Both sides have strong arguments, anchored in historical precedent and statistical analysis. Anti-gun control lobbyists’Read MoreGuns in Schools855 Words   |  3 Pageswould have a better chance, in high risk situations if they carried guns. Some are afraid that by placing guns in school zones, more deaths and homicides will occur. That by giving administrators guns the chance of a shooting will increase tremendously, but the truth is by not placing guns on school property, we are increasing the chance of having our children and loved ones being shot. 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Statement of Intent Free Essays

Statement of Intent The title of my Final Major Project is â€Å"Military Hero†. I will focus on the area of fashion and will work towards producing a small capsule collection consisting of a jacket/coat and a dress that I hope to create and display on show. It will be based around the ever popular military style; which has always been a favourite of mine. We will write a custom essay sample on Statement of Intent or any similar topic only for you Order Now In my pathway project my theme was â€Å"Architecture in Fashion† of where I looked at structure and form, I found this theme to be very broad and endless. I also produced a garment based on the theme of shirt-making for a design competition, as I am progressing to University of Ulster to study the BA Hons Degree in Textile Art, Design and Fashion I feel I have made the right area and theme to work with for this project. I will start by looking at period weapons, medals, and armour of which I will use to produce a range of observational studies at A1 size. As I am focusing on Military Fashion I will take my inspiration from fashion designers Frida Giannini, Christopher Bailey, Alexander McQueen and John Galliano as I find their work and style to have elements of what I’m aiming to achieve as a final outcome for my final major project. I will also refer back to the uniforms worn by the armed forces and paramilitaries of various nations. Fashion magazines and the internet as well as my college’s library are also resources I will use. On completion of my visual recording and references I intend to begin the design cycle of the final outcome. I will start by researching the style of garments I shall design through creating moodboard’s relating to colour, style and my military theme; I will then produce a capsule collection board of fashion designs which I will then develop further. Through completing class critiques I will refer to my peer comments and advice from specialism tutors to make a final decision. Once decided I will move on to creating a pattern that will then lead on to the making of a toile this will help me to make any adjustments needed. After this is completed I will compose the final pieces onto fabric that I have chosen. To make sure I do not have to deal with any complications I aim to do each stage two weeks in advance. All work that I do will be critically evaluated as I go along, this will help me to stay on track and I will also record websites, ideas and my schedule in my daily diary. The military styled capsule collection will be on exhibition and modelled on two size 10 mannequins at my college’s end of year show. I will have couture photography of the garments mounted in the background and will also have my project sketchbook displayed on a plinth. If I have any spare time I will also make myself a top based around my military theme. Appendix Bibliography Books: Antonio Mancinelli, (2010), â€Å"Fashion Box: The Immortal Icons of Style†, Thames Hudson. Richard Martin, (2001), â€Å"The Fashion Book†, Phaidon. Kristin Knox, (2010), â€Å"Alexander McQueen: Genius of a Generation†, A C Black Publishers. Bonnie English, (2010), â€Å"Fashion: The 50 Most Influential Fashion Designers of All Time (Icons of Culture)†, Barrons. Websites: Who What Wear http://www. whowhatwear. com/ Style http://www. style. com/ Vogue http://www. vogue. co. uk/ Lookbook http://lookbook. nu/ Fashion Is My Inspiration http://fashionismy-inspiration. blogspot. co. uk/ Polyvore http://www. polyvore. com/ Wikipedia http://www. wikipedia. org/ Trendstop http://www. trendstop. com/ Fashion Era http://www. fashion-era. com/ What I Wore http://whatiwore. tumblr. com/ Gucci http://www. gucci. com/ Fashion Net http://fashion. net/ Style and the City http://www. styleandthecity. com/ Alexander McQueen http://www. alexandermcqueen. co. uk . How to cite Statement of Intent, Essay examples